There are a number of clubs and societies active within the village:
Organisation | Contact |
Cinema Club Recently released films shown in the Davis Hall on the last Friday in the month. | See what's on here |
West Camel Model Railway Society Saturdays 9am–noon. Wednesdays 1-4pm THE DAVIS HALL Come and see our layouts! | Model Railway Society email Secretary: WC Model Railway Society |
West Camel Gardeners' Club A full and varied programme including talks, visits and the annual village Flower & Vegetable Show. | Gardeners Club Secretary: Ann Gant 07544 515375 Treasurer: Kim Bailey 07960 930577 |
Davis Hall coffee mornings & Post Office Thursday mornings 9.15am till noon. A good social occasion. Light refreshments and bacon sarnies available at modest charges. Bread and cakes from the A303 bakery are on sale, and on occasions other sundries such as cards, plants and local produce. The Queen Camel Post Office also attends until 11.15am. All the usual post office facilities are available including pensions, benefit payments, National Savings, etc. | |
St Michael's Scottish Country Dancing Club. We meet Thursday evenings 7.30pm until 9.30pm | Club Secretary: Elspeth Wright 07972 125617 |
West Camel Churches, All Saints Church Service times published on village email and on church notice board. See also info for churches under WEST CAMEL tab. | Churchwarden: Jenny Clothier 01935 850281 Independent Methodists: Geoff Chapman 01935 850838 |
West Camel Art & Craft Group Tuesdays 2–4.30pm in the Davis Hall | Carol Mellish on 01935 850144 |
WEST CAMEL THEATRE GROUP (WCTG) Annual Pantomime or Christmas production. All involvement (skilled/unskilled and on or off stage) very welcome. All ages welcome. Costumes for hire for parties. etc.. More info on the Theatre Group can be found HERE | Melanie Smallwood 01935 851452 |
LUNCH CLUB Open to all residents. Every Wednesday, 12.30 at the Mildmay Arms, Queen Camel. Great food and good company! £11 for 2 courses and tea/coffee. Takeaways also available. | Contact Julie Beak by email by Tuesday lunchtime if you wish to come. Please include your own phone number in your email. |
SHORT MAT BOWLS Mondays 2-4pm at the Davis Hall. Beginners and experts welcome. | Jean Cowan 01963 220503 |
QUEEN CAMEL PRE-SCHOOL Pre-school & Day Care Services for children aged two-and-a-half to five. | For more information, please contact: 07989 613802 Queen Camel Pre-School |
PILATESDavis Hall Tuesdays 5-6pm | Mary Gamble 01935 850736 |
MODERN SEQUENCE DANCING The Davis Hall Thursdays 2–4pm. Saturdays (usually twice monthly) 7.45–10.30pm A mix of popular and new dances bring and share supper – all welcome! | Enquiries: 01935 706627 |
Local Brownies and Guides: | TBN |
CREATION RESOURCES TRUST A West Camel-based Christian educational organisation providing helpful resources on the creation-evolution debate. These include books, DVDs, CDs and literature. Also seminars. Registered Charity No. 1016666 | P O Box 3237, Yeovil, BA22 7WD Website: Tel: 01935 850569 |
Rehab 4 Addiction is an advisory and referral service for people who suffer from alcohol, drug and behavioural addiction. | Free Addiction Assessment Book a FREE Confidential Assessment at your Nearest Rehab Centre. 0800 140 4690 Contact Details Here |
Bell Ringing Wednesday evenings in All Saints Church | Paul Reeves 01935 593272 |