Parish Council meetings are held in the Committee Room of the Davis Hall at 7.30 pm, bi-monthly, usually on the first Thursday in the months of May (Annual Meeting), July, September, November, January (later in month to allow for budget setting and March.
The meetings are open to members of the public and press, and each meeting begins with an opportunity for parishioners to ask questions. If you wish to contact the Parish Council for any reason, please use the email links above.
The Parish Meeting is held annually in May, when Parish and Somerset Councillors give an overview of the previous year and a forward look into the current year. Local village organisations are invited to report on their activities either as a verbal report of ‘market stall’ style display.
Next meetings
Parish Council
Date of scheduled meetings can be found here – Parish Council.
Members of the public are welcome and encouraged to attend all meetings.
The Minutes of previous meetings are here
Community Fund Panel
For more information on the Community Fund Panel see the Community Fund page