A solar park has been developed at Southfield Farm within the Parish. The developer will provide the community with a substantial sum of money paid in instalments, over the first 10 years of the Solar Park’s 25 + year life, into a Community Benefit Fund (The Fund), to be managed by the Parish Council, on behalf on the community for its long-term benefit. You can find out more about the solar park developer here.
The Parish Council has established a working group called the Community Fund Panel (The Panel), made up of Councillors and members of the community. The Panel will meet (periodicity to be agreed) to consider applications and offer advice to applicants in refining their applications before recommending to Council how the Fund should be allocated.
The Panel will work within agreed Terms of Reference – click link to download a copy.
All residents of the parish can make application for grants from the Community Fund if the project or plan will benefit the West Camel community.
The Application form and Guidance can be downloaded by clicking on each link. Paper copies are available from the clerk. Applicants should submit completed Application Forms to the clerk.
Panel members will review and discuss applications, deciding whether or not to recommend an application to the Parish Council. As with general Council meetings, Panel meetings will open to the public and applicants are encouraged to attend and provide further detail and answer any questions about their proposal.
Research and detailed planning for such projects takes time and effort, so please don’t rush, the fund is for the longer term and the money will not be spent all at once.
Please advise the clerk if you are preparing an application and a member of The Panel will be asked to provide help and advice if needed.
In making an application it is important that the project to be considered will be beneficial to this Community (defined by the borders of West Camel Parish). Please complete the Application Form appropriately. (The clerk or any members of the Fund Panel will be happy to give assistance to applicants in completing the application – please see contact details).
The Community Fund Panel will invite applicants to attend a Panel meeting so that matters may be clarified and you may be asked for further information. Your application will also be available for public scrutiny and comment.
Completed Applications should be delivered to the clerk who will advise members of the Community Fund Panel in readiness for the next appropriate meeting of the Panel.
The Panel Membership 2023/24
The Panel currently has 5 members, including 1 serving Parish Councillor:
- Mr Rick Richens
- Mrs Mandy Woolley
- Mr. Peter Agland
- Cllr Jenny Down (WCPC Member)
- Mrs Sue Burgess
If you would like to contact the Panel please email Clerk to the Council.
Minutes (for meetings dates, see Parish Public Notices)
It is very important that the work of the Panel is made available for everyone to see. The minutes of meetings will be published here, including those that are in draft (but please do not rely on these, as they will only become formal once agreed at the next meeting of the Panel).
In order to ensure total transparency ALL applications, whether successful or not, will be available to be viewed here.