Who are we?

Your Councillors

All Councillors are unpaid volunteers from within our communities, and will have a number of draws on their availability. If you would like to write or speak to a Councillor, we suggest you first make contact with the Clerk to the Council who can advise accordingly.
Your Parish Councillors are listed here, Communication with Councillors should in the first instance be via the parish clerk:- Les Stevens

Cllr Kathy Miller-Hunt   Chairman
Cllr Geoff Chapman
Cllr Jenny Down
Cllr Jane Lawrence
Cllr Mick Richens
Cllr Cliff Baker

Members’ Interests

Members’ interests must be declared on a public register.  This is managed by Somerset Council (SC) and can be seen here.

Becoming a Councillor

The Parish Council is elected every four years, usually at the same time as Somerset Council elections.  Periodically a ‘casual vacancy’ arises when an existing Councillor steps down for whatever reason and usually a member of the community is ‘co-opted onto The Council.

The Council always welcomes and encourages interest from any eligible elector who is considering becoming a Councillor. Vacancies will be advertised on this website and on the Public Notice Boards  If you would like to get more involved in your community, and are considering becoming a councillor, please contact the clerk.

To find out more about the difference that local councils and Councillors make you can download some useful guides:
It Takes All Sorts
Good Councillors Guide

Meetings and access

Parish Council meetings are held in the Committee Room of the Davis Hall, starting at 7.30 pm, bi-monthly on the first Thursday of May (Annual Meeting), July, September, November, January (usually later in the month as this is the budget and precept setting meeting) and March.   Meetings are open to members of the public and press, and each meeting begins with an opportunity for parishioners to ask questions. If you wish to contact the Parish Council for any reason, please contact the clerk in the first instance.

The Parish Meeting is held annually in May, when Parish and Somerset Councillors give reports, and village organisations are invited to report on their activities.

Parish Council Meeting dates: scheduled meeting for 2023/24 are available here.

The venue is accessible on flat ground. Public seating and copies of the meeting papers are provided. If you would like to attend and have any needs not mentioned here, please contact us and we will do all that we reasonably can to facilitate your visit. If you would like to record, film, or transmit from within the meeting, including using social media please, as a courtesy let the clerk or chairman know you intend to do so before the meeting commences.

Every meeting is held in public, and the agenda, along with all public notices, is posted on the Public Notice Boards and on this website.