West Camel Weather

Current weather forecasts for West Camel:  BBC   or  Met Office
Met Office Rainfall radar for West Camel:  Met Office rainfall radar

Recent meteorological data for West Camel.
This information is provided by Geoff Chapman, from whom more detailed historical information can be sought.

2024 summary
Highest maximum temperature: 31.9 C (89.4 F) on 31st July.
Lowest minimum temperature: –8.3 C (17 F) on 19th January.
Lowest grass level minimum: –10.4 (13.3 F) on 18th January.
Wettest month: September, with 160.1 mm (6.30 ins.).
Driest month: June, with 12.7 mm (0.51 ins.).
Wettest day: September 29th with 28.5 mm. (1.14 ins.).
Total rainfall: 898.5 mm. (35.37 ins.) – a little above average
Warmest month: August – average daily mean temperature: 19.15 C (66.5 F).
Coldest month: January – average daily mean temperature 5.5 C (41.9 F).
Average daily mean temperature for the year: 11.8 C (53.2).*
*The warmest year in 61 years of records, beating 2023 by just 0.02 C.

December 2024
Maximum temperature: 15.4 C (59.7 F) on the 1st.
Minimum temperature: 0.2 C (32.3 F) on the 4th.
Grass level minimum: -2.6 C (27.3 F) on the 4th.
Average daily mean temperature: 8.17 C (46.7 F).
Total rainfall: 32.5 mm (1.28 ins).
A mild month with no air frosts and only two ground frosts.
Also much drier than normal.

November 2024
Maximum temperature: 17 C (62.6 F) on the 23rd.
Minimum temperature: -2.7 C (27 F) on the 20th.
Grass level minimum: -6.4 C (20 F) on the 20th.
Average daily mean temperature: 8.52 C (47.3 F).
Total rainfall: 92.7 mm (3.65 ins).
There were 6 air frosts and 9 ground frosts.
A fairly average month temperature-wise, but there were wide variations, with many very mild days offset by a colder spell just after mid-month.

October 2024
Maximum temperature: 19 C (66.2 F) on the 7th.
Minimum temperature: 0.6 C (33 F) on the 11th.
Grass level minimum: -2.5 C (27.5 F) on the 11th.
Average daily mean temperature: 12.16 C (53.9 F)
There was one ground frost.
Total Rainfall: 105.9 mm (4.17 ins)
Wettest day: 15th with 13.7 mm (0.54 ins.)
A fairly wet month, but not as wet as 2023.
Temperature-wise it was fairly average, but warm nights meant there were no air frosts. However, October 2022 and 2023 were warmer.